We have been working for a long time, and we have something to tell you. We want to share our experience and knowledge with you. Here we will tell you about our projects, developments, and working moments.
Four Pillars of a Successful Machine Learning Project
Should you consider Machine Learning technologies for your project? Find out from our simple checklist
Evolution of Scrum in Enterprise project
The report considers the experience of developing a large project enterprise, advantages
and disadvantages of different approaches, scope and means of control.
CatBoost vs XGBoost for the task of assessing
the cost of housing in London
A 3-day course for newbies and design students
CQRS as a replacement for the Repository
A 3-day course for newbies and design students
Evolution of Scrum in Enterprise project
The report considers the experience of developing a large project enterprise, advantages
and disadvantages of different approaches, scope and means of control.
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