We solve the most difficult problems
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Oil & Gas
Initially small and medium Oil Companies have an issue with frequent Well failures. Large amount of unstructured historical data could not be utilised efficiently and decisions regarding repair plan took way too much time. Idea was to decrease mean time between failures dramatically (reduce operating costs) by maximizing value of information available, minimize Non-Productive Time (NPT). To launch and scale this Startup in shortest possible time we needed to build a strong Team, process Customer Development, provide Technical solution as MVP and scalable Cloud Apps.
In 2 weeks we set up Scrum Team including Product owner, Scrum master, Developers. Simultaneously we made Customer Development steps to define the right business model. It was necessary to choose proper technology stack. From one hand it should enable fast MVP release with possibility of easy pivots, from the other hand support future scalability and new features production. We chose ASP.NET Core, Angular 6 (Clarity/Bootstrap, Plotly), PostgreSql, Amazon Web Services, Gitlab CI.
We've built Cloud App which 100% fits to Market with reliable Architecture, nice intuitive UI/UX. The core functionality was designed to ensure stable performance during scale-up stages. We explore implementing Machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics and dynamic data processing.
ASP.NET Core, Angular (Clarity/Bootstrap, Plotly), PostgreSql, AWS, Docker, Amazon Elastic Container Services, Gitlab CI

If then else
Anton Babinyazov, CEO of WEDIVIZ
Projects for school education
It were small and medium Oil Companies and they had a pain with frequent Well failures. Idea was to decrease mean time between failures dramatically by maximizing value of information available (reduce operating costs), minimize Non-Productive Time (NPT). We became Technology Partner. To launch and scale this Startup we need to build a strong Team, process Customer Development, provide Technical solution as MVP and scalable Cloud Apps at the same time.
In 2 weeks we established initial Scrum Team including Product owner, Team Lead, Developers. Befor that and at the same time we did Customer Development steps to find the right business model. We needed a proper technology stack. From one point it should handle fast MVP release with possibility to cheap pivots, from other side handle future scalability and new features production. We chose ASP.NET Core, Angular 6 (Clarity/Bootstrap, Plotly), PostgreSql, Amazon Web Services, Gitlab CI.
We've build Cloud app which 100% fits to Market with nice intuitive UI/UX. The core functionality. We automate structured and unstructured data integration in one Platform. All historical data becomes then available for analysis. We are one the way to new features delivery like Machine learning algorithms for prediction analytics and dynamic data processing.
• ASP.NET Core,
• Angular (Clarity/Bootstrap, Plotly),
• PostgreSql,
• Amazon Web Services,
• Docker,
• Amazon Elastic Container Services,
•Gitlab CI

If you look at space companies, they've failed either because they've had a technical solution where success was not a possible outcome, they were unable to attract a critical mass of talent, or they just ran out of money. The finish line is usually a lot further away than you think.
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX
Medical development for Covidien
It were small and medium Oil Companies and they had a pain with frequent Well failures. Idea was to decrease mean time between failures dramatically by maximizing value of information available (reduce operating costs), minimize Non-Productive Time (NPT). We became Technology Partner. To launch and scale this Startup we need to build a strong Team, process Customer Development, provide Technical solution as MVP and scalable Cloud Apps at the same time.
In 2 weeks we established initial Scrum Team including Product owner, Team Lead, Developers. Befor that and at the same time we did Customer Development steps to find the right business model. We needed a proper technology stack. From one point it should handle fast MVP release with possibility to cheap pivots, from other side handle future scalability and new features production. We chose ASP.NET Core, Angular 6 (Clarity/Bootstrap, Plotly), PostgreSql, Amazon Web Services, Gitlab CI.
We've build Cloud app which 100% fits to Market with nice intuitive UI/UX. The core functionality. We automate structured and unstructured data integration in one Platform. All historical data becomes then available for analysis. We are one the way to new features delivery like Machine learning algorithms for prediction analytics and dynamic data processing.
• ASP.NET Core,
• Angular (Clarity/Bootstrap, Plotly),
• PostgreSql,
• Amazon Web Services,
• Docker,
• Amazon Elastic Container Services,
•Gitlab CI

If you look at space companies, they've failed either because they've had a technical solution where success was not a possible outcome, they were unable to attract a critical mass of talent, or they just ran out of money. The finish line is usually a lot further away than you think.
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX
Your case will be next